viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
Nuevamente estamos con otra entrevista a una destacadas miembros de nuestro equipo. Esta semana es el turno a GingiBeads , otra increíble diseñadora de accessorios argentina.  Su trabajo es hermoso. Deberían pasar por su tienda

We are back again with another fun  interview. This week is time for GingiBeads an incredible Argentinian accessory designer. Her work is just beautiful, you should check her Etsy Store at

Puedes contarnos un poco de ti?
Hola. Mi nombre es María Fernanda y soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vivo en un  barrio hermoso muy cercano a un gran parque que adoro y que me inspira en la Capital Federal.
Soy Analista de sistemas de profesión y además doy clases de apoyo en matemáticas, pero tengo una gran afinidad con las artesanías desde muy pequeña.
Disfruto mucho creando, pintando y haciendo todo tipo de artesanías, paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo libre creando cosas funcionales y personales tanto para mí como para los que quiero.
Durante mucho tiempo he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar para diseñadores locales especializados en vestidos para novias y quinciañeras lo cuál  me motiva a crear mi propia línea de accesorios. Una línea chic y sofisticada, pero perfecta para toda ocasión.

Could you tell us a little about yourself?
Hello! My name is María Fernanda and I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I live in a beautiful neighborhood in the Capital City, near to a big park that I adore and inspires me.
I'm a Systems Analyst by profession and I also teach math giving support class for teens but I have a great affinity with crafts ever since I was a little girl.
I truly enjoy creating, painting and making all kinds of crafts. I spend most of my free time creating functional and personal items for myself and those I care.
I've had the opportunity for a very long time to work in fashion as an assistant of various local fashion designers who specialize in wedding and cocktail dresses. This has motivated me to create my own line of handmade accessories (headbands, combs, brooches, bracelets, etc...). My designs are chic and sophisticated, perfect for everyday.

Cómo empezó tu tienda?
Mi tienda en Etsy comenzó casi por casualidad, suelo leer blogs de diseño y buscando descubrí a una diseñadora que hacía gnomos en miniatura, eran preciosos así que por curiosidad aprete el botón que me llevó directo a su tienda.
Un nuevo mundo para mí, estaba maravillada! Comenzé a investigar sobre el sitio y creí que ése era un excelente lugar para exponer y vender mis accesorios para adornar y embellecer atuendos.

How did your shop get started?
My Etsy shop started almost by accident, I tend to read blogs and one day while  looking for new designs and inspiration, I found a designer's blog who made miniature gnomes, out of curiosity I clicked the link to her Etsy shop.
A whole new world for me, I was amazed to see so many beautiful things in just one place!
I began to investigate about the site and thought that Etsy was a great place to exhibit and sell online my own line of accessories and embellishments.

Día o Noche?
Definitivamente La Noche, de noche cuando ya está todo calmo puedo plasmar todas las ideas que se me ocurren durante el día.

Day or Night?
Definitely Night!
At night I can finally transfer all the ideas that I have along the day.

Cuál es tu color favorito?
Mi color favorito es el Azul en todas sus tonalidades. Es inspirador, tranquilo, calmo,  sereno...muy armonioso.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue ... oohh, I love blue in all its shades. It's inspiring, calm, serene ... very harmonious.

Cuál es tu olor favorito?
Amo los cítricos, amo el olor a limón y especialmente el de biscochuelo de naranja que siempre cocina mi abuela.

What is your favorite smell?
I love citrus smells. I love the smell of lemon and specially the smell of my grandma's orange cake.


GingiBeads  ha sido muy generosa en ofrecer este hermoso prededor negro evaluado en $18.
GingiBeads has generously offered this beautiful Black brooch, $18 value.

Cómo Participar:
Anda a la tienda de GingiBeads, cuéntanos cuál es el artículo que más te gusta y qué color te gustaría ver en sus creaciones.
Si no tienes cuenta en blogger, deja tu mail para que podamos ubicarte si es que ganas.

Para Más Chances de Ganar:
Síguenos acá (blog)
Síguenos en Facebook
Síguenos en Twitter
(Deja un comentario por cada cada una de estas cosas)

Más información:
El Concurso se llevará a cabo desde Hoy, día 28 de octubre hasta el viernes 5 de noviembre. El ganador se dará a conocer el día 6 de Noviembre a las 23:00 horas (hora Centro USA)
GingiBeads   hace envíos a todo el mundo así que todos pueden participar!

How to Enter:
Go to GingiBeads store and leave a comment on what do you prefer from there and which color would you like to see in her creations.
Non-bloggers may also enter but please leave your email address with your comment (this way it will be easier to find you if you win)
Extra Entries:
Follow us here Follow us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
(Please leave a comment for each entry)

For more info:
The Contest will be from Today, October the 28th to Friday, November the 5th and the Winner will be announced here on this blog on Saturday, the 6th, at 11:00 PM (Central time USA).
GingiBeads   ships overseas so everybody is welcome!!

90 comentarios:

Victoria A. dijo...

Qué sorteo mas genial :)
De GingiBeads, me encanta sobre todo este articulo el headband de boda... la verdad es que adoro los headbands y ademas soy una fanatica de bodas lindas al tipo americano, asi que me enamore de este headband, LO NECESITO :)


Victoria A. dijo...

Os sigo en twitter! @melotoconcito

Victoria A. dijo...

Y también os sigo en facebook ;) (Victoria Arias)


MOHENZ dijo...

Que hermoso!

Callie dijo...

Love them all but like this one a lot
I like purples!
Heidijaneblankets at comcast dot net

Digital Misfit dijo...

I LOVE the Lady Blue Corsage brooch.
I would love to see some charcoal/smoke gray colors in the collection, as well as more headbands. I think the puffy dupioni flower brooch like Ooh La La would look gorgeous on a headband (in a slighter smaller version).

Digital Misfit dijo...

I am a Facebook fan of Etsy in Spanish!

my little Aura dijo...

mucha suerte chicas este sorteo esta increible!!

Chunchitos & Co. dijo...

Me gustó muchísimo las rosas en color crema y también las moradas, son realmente exquisitas a la vista!! :)

Chunchitos & Co. dijo...

Los sigo también por medio de Facebook. (Lucina Moya)

Las rosas cremas son las más divinas!! :)

Sandra dijo...

Muy lindo!!

MOHENZ dijo...

Te seguí en twitter y facebook!
Me encanta tu tienda hay preciosuras!
I love this one:

And this too:

Ohhh this one:

I tryed to make that one but I burn all the fabric! hahahhaha

MOHENZ dijo...

Ya lo hice todo! twitter, facebook, tienda heart it!

Y las cosas que mas me gustaron fueron las flores violetas. Me gustaría ver más colores vivos.... Sobre todo amarillos, rojos y corales...

Amber dijo...

I absolutely love the Plum Wine Flower Pin Brooch and I would love to see more items in a lavender color
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber dijo...

I follow you on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber dijo...

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber dijo...

I follow your blog with google friend connect as Amber
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Shenny dijo...

My favourite is the Mother of Pearl Wedding Bouquet Brooch - it's beautiful and I love, love, love the fabric! And though I really like the colour, I'd like to see it in something... brighter? Magenta would be awesome ;)

Thanks for a great giveaway!


Shenny dijo...

I follow your blog via GFC!


Marina dijo...

Plum Wine Flower Pin Brooch is my favorite item, it's beautiful! i think that more purple items will be great :)
isollea at gmail dot com

Marina dijo...

i am following you here :)
isollea at gmail dot com

Marina dijo...

and i am following you on twitter :)
isollea at gmail dot com

fashuneesta dijo...

I love the Plum Wine Flower Pin Brooch!


Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) dijo...

I love the Lady Blue Corsage Brooch. Actually, I love all of her work, he he!
Perhaps more items in pastel colours such as pastel pink, blue and green would be nice for bridemaids and mothers of the bride and groom?

debyeo at hotmail dot com

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) dijo...

I follow on Twitter as @dspdavey.

debyeo at hotmail dot com

Wehaf dijo...

I love the Delicate Beauty Barrette Clip, and would love to see it (or other pieces) is a lovely celadon green.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Unknown dijo...

i choose this :) White Flower hair clip pin brooch (2 in 1)this is so glamour thing with neutral colour..hope can wear it >,<
wulanseries at gmail dot com

Unknown dijo...

i follow etsyinspanishteam on twitter

Unknown dijo...

"Like" Etsy in Spanish on FB
Wulan Sari P
wulanseries at gmail dot com

Aik dijo...

I love the Delicate Beauty Barrette Clip.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik dijo...

Facebook fan [Aik Chien]

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik dijo...

Twitter follower @aikchien

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover dijo...

My favorite is the ivory bridal homemade organza flower headband. my favorite color is red so it would be nice to see more of that color on her shop. plus, it's almost christmastime so red is in!

khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover dijo...

twitter follower as bellekhris

khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

avalonne83 dijo...

Great giveaway! I'd love to be entered.

My favourite item is Handmade Hair Flower/Pin Brooch set - Purple.
I love purple.

Please count me in. Thanks.

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

Unknown dijo...

It was so hard to choose!!! All your creations are top of beauty and elegance, one of my faves is Lady Blue Corsage Brooch!!!


Yuri dijo...

i like the Gala - Fascinators / Comb, and i would love to see more bright colors such as yellow, orange, bright sky blue, etc.. :)

yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom

jhitomi dijo...

I love the Comb with Two Grape Rose Blossom , it is a beautiful color. I love the black brooch, but I also like roses/pink/red colors.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Elizabeth Turner dijo...

I love the autumn brown flower brooch!

elizabethglassturner (at) gmail (dot) com

southstreetjewelry dijo...

love your shop, your "Hair Comb with two grape rose blossom and lace" is my favorite, although it is difficult to decide on just one!
fabuloso sorteo, mucha suerte!

bella gureishi dijo...

i love the

Brown Sugar Brooch.

bella_gureishi AT yahoo DOT com

janil dijo... añadí a mis favoritos!!

Me encanta el broche Grape Flower Hair Clip Pin Brooch Swarovski Crystals (2 in 1).

Y acerca de los colores me gustaría ver algo en colores más vivos!

cal_rubies arroba yahoo punto es

janil dijo...

I follow on Twitter (janinilja).
cal_rubies arroba yahoo punto es

janil dijo...

I follow in FCB! (montse gensana)
cal_rubies arroba yahoo punto es

TopHat dijo...

I love the copper sugar brooch! And I would like to see more orange!

hrfarley at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches dijo...

Oh! I just love this:
I would love to see more bright colors in her shop: Teals, lime, clementines!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches dijo...

I follow you on FB
APril P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches dijo...

I follow you on twitter!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Melody dijo...

I like Autumn Brown Flower Brooch. I would love to see something in yellow, blue violet and a mixed of colors in one item.


Lunas Violetas dijo...

Anais - Ivory-Gold wedding flower brooch or pin es mi favcorito y para mi los colores son perfectos

Lunas Violetas dijo...

os sigo en facebook angeles.casas

Lunas Violetas dijo...

os sigo en el blog angeles casas

eclairre dijo...

I'd like to see a vivid orange. My favorite is Ivory Bridal hair pins for your wedding day.

Christina dijo...

Christina - - I love the Plum Wine Flower Pin Brooch and the color I want to see more of at the site is RED!

Sharon dijo...

My fave item is the Lady Blue Corsage Brooch, and I'd love to see more of her work in green!

Peach Nia dijo...

Autumn Brown Flower Brooch is my fave and maybe id like to see earrings?

lovelylittledeer at hotmail dot co dot uk

Peach Nia dijo...

i follow on twitter

lovelylittledeer at hotmail dot co dot uk

Peach Nia dijo...

i follow on fb

lovelylittledeer at hotmail dot co dot uk

sandyandcosmo dijo...

I love the copper sugar brooch. My favorite color is green so I would love to see more items in green.


twannywun dijo...

i lie Mother of Pearl Wedding Bouquet Brooch Burgundy Wine satin silk

burgundy is anice colour

twannywun at hotmail dot com

Heidi dijo...

I love the Autumn Brown Flower Brooch. I'd like to see a bright pink/magenta flower!


writeme at heidimail dot com

lolamichele dijo...

Brown Sugar Brooch is my favorite.

boswife @ gmail . com

pippirose dijo...

I love the White Flower hair clip pin brooch. Gorgeous!
I'd love to see some Rust (copper) colour.

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

pippirose dijo...

I follow you on Twitter
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

pippirose dijo...

I "like" you on FB
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

liz dijo...

Hi, My fav thingy there is I love to see it in turqoise :)

Contact me dear :)

Thankies dear
<3 Liz

windycindy dijo...

I adore her "Cooper Sugar Brooch!"
I think more yellows, pinks,etc.would
be great to see her brooches and hair pieces in.
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy dijo...

I "Like" you on Faccebook!
Many thanks to you...

windycindy dijo...

Also, I follow you on Twitter.
Thanks, Cindi

Lara dijo...

¡Qué cosas tan bonitas! Es muy difícil decidir, pero me gusta mucho el 'Gala fascinators/comb'. ¡Es tan elegante en color negro!

Mi email es svlara(at)gmail(dot)com

Lara dijo...

Soy nueva seguidora del blog :)

Mi email es svlara(at)gmail(dot)com

TheOptimist dijo...

I like the In The Light - Green bottle brooch and i'd like to see more green and/or brown brooches.


TheOptimist dijo...

I follow this blog by the name "TheOptimist"


Tintinar dijo...

Qué cosas tan lindas!

Me gustan los "Ivory Bridal hair pins for your wedding day", "Queen Of Hearts - Wedding Brooch" y "Lady Blue Corsage Brooch". Una flor del estilo de estas últimas, pero más grande y de color champaña, quedaría muy bien como prendedor para la ropa.


Tintinar dijo...

Sigo el blog!

Tintinar dijo...

Sigo a Etsy en español en Facebook!


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

Just one favorite? I love (and favorited/hearted)ALL of these marvelous creations and thank your so much for the introduction!

For the sake of this giveaway and this comment I will choose the very lovely "Flower pin brooch and hair clip set Lavender/light blueFrom GingiBeads" - mainly because I love that it is a matching set (hair & brooch) and also because I too love blue - all shades and nuances of blue!

I also love what I will call pink/peach - which includes a vast array of subtle shades like: coral, salmon, apricot, and even pinkish copper!)

Thank you so much for this giveaway - I so enjoyed just browsing the Etsy shop!


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

I Follow you here, a Public Follower of your Blog as


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

I Follow / Like YOU on Facebook (Jesselyn A.)
and I am also awaiting a Facebook Friend confirmation with GingiBeads and Hearted/Favorited both HER and most of her creations/designs/"items" on ETSY.

Thank you again!


very married dijo...


this is seriously my fav:

also, the more shades of purple, the better!

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

I really thought I already posted this -but since I don't see it - I will again because I genuinely LOVE every creation at Gingibeads.

It's impossible to choose just one favorite (you'll note that I Etsy "hearted/favorited" almost every design/"item" as well as the Seller/Shop itself! (Salleefur)

But for the sake of this entry I will say the "Flower pin brooch and hair clip set Lavender/light blue" beause it is so beautiful, I love Blue (all shades) and I love that it is a matching brooch and hair accessories set which I really appreciate. Thank You!

(note: if this is a duplicate - please delete it and sorry about that!)

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

I am a Public Follower of this Blog (Salleefur/Jesslyn)and I forgot to mention that aside from being a fellow lover of all shades of blue - I love all of the glorious variations of what they sometimes called Pink/Peach (in pearl language)...

...But in terms of real life flowers like "Impatians" such beautiful hues as Coral, Salmon, Apricot, even pinkish coppertones... I love them all!


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster dijo...

I am a Fan/Follower on Facebook
Jesselyn A

María dijo...

❤ Thanks for leaving a comment! I do enjoy reading each and every one.

Good luck!

❤ Muchas Gracias por todos los comentarios!

Buena Suerte a todos!

KV dijo...

I would looove to win!!
my favourite item is this : and I would like to see more pink colors (more accurately, light pink)

my email is


Ingrid dijo...

My favorite item is the Plum Wine Flower Pin Brooch.

I think a mix of purple and green would be wonderful!

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid dijo...

Following on Facebook, my username is wunderfraulein.
so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid dijo...

Following on Twitter, my username is my_wunderkammer.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

my little Aura dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Lana dijo...

Sorteo genial!

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