lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Hola Etsians! Me llamo Pia y les escribo desde Buenos Aires, Argentina. Quería contarles algo sobre la carrera que estoy cursando: Diseño Industrial. Se trata de una carrera relativamente nueva (en mi pais surgió alrededor de 1985). Nos entrenan para diseñar todo tipo de productos. Desde piezas de packaging hasta automoviles. Es una carrera absolutamente apasionante y como dicen varios diseñadores, "es un camino de ida" ya que una vez que se ve el mundo a traves del filtro del diseño no hay manera de volver a disfrutar de los objetos como un usuario inocente.
Hello Etsians! My name is Pia and I'm writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I wanted to tell you about what I am studying: Industrial Design. It's a relatively new career (it appeared in my country around 1985). We are trained to design all kinds of products. From pieces of packaging to cars. It is an absolutely passionate career and as many designers say "it is a one way road" since once you see the world through the design filter there is no way of enjoying objects as an innocent user again.
Hello Etsians! My name is Pia and I'm writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I wanted to tell you about what I am studying: Industrial Design. It's a relatively new career (it appeared in my country around 1985). We are trained to design all kinds of products. From pieces of packaging to cars. It is an absolutely passionate career and as many designers say "it is a one way road" since once you see the world through the design filter there is no way of enjoying objects as an innocent user again.

Estoy estudiando en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. El ambiente que se vive en la FADU es increible. Estar en la FADU es estar en el centro del diseño argentino. Se encuentra mucha variedad de gente. Por ser una universidad pública y gratuita, uno puede encontrar desde personas muy talentosas y apasionadas por lo que hacen hasta gente que no esta segura de lo que quiere hacer y pasa a probar. Los profesores son los mejores del pais, son los protagonistas del diseño actual y es un honor imposible de desaprobechar que escuchen tus ideas y participen en tu formación.
I am studying at the University of Buenos Aires, at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. The FADU ambient is incredible. Being at FADU is being at the center of Argentine design. You find many types of people. Since this is a free and public university, one can find from very talented and devoted students to people who are not very sure of what to do and are just passing by to try something. Professors are the best of the country, they are the main characters on actual design and it is an honor for them to listen to our ideas and be part of our formation.
I am studying at the University of Buenos Aires, at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. The FADU ambient is incredible. Being at FADU is being at the center of Argentine design. You find many types of people. Since this is a free and public university, one can find from very talented and devoted students to people who are not very sure of what to do and are just passing by to try something. Professors are the best of the country, they are the main characters on actual design and it is an honor for them to listen to our ideas and be part of our formation.

Es muy dificil terminar esta carrera en el tiempo programado por la universidad (5 años), muchos la terminan en 6. Es una carrera apasionante pero desgastante. Aparte de aprender a proyectar uno adquiere y perfecciona varias habilidades de trabajo manual ya que aparte de mostrar nuestros diseños en láminas, se entregan maquetas, modelos o a veces prototipos. En otras palabras, nos la pasamos lijando! jajaj Respiramos todo tipo de gases tóxicos habidos y por haber. Con el avance de la carrera uno se va armando su caja de herramientas en la que no falta el barbijo y máscara para filtrar gases, antiparras, guantes, etc. Hay que ser muy organizado para dormir bien. Yo pensé que esto último era un mito o creencia durantes mis primeros meses en la FADU, que era solo para los "vagos" que no terminaban las cosas a tiempo: ERROR jaja por más aplicado que uno sea, para obtener buenos resultados hay que trabajar MUCHO y el tiempo estipulado es poco por lo que se termina durmiendo menos. Más alla de esto, los resultados son tan gratificantes que las horas sin dormir, los gases tóxicos respirados, el dolor muscular por tanto lijar y masillar y todo lo demás no importan.
It is unlikely to finish this career in the time programed by the university (5 years), many finish on 6. It is a passionate career but very tiring. Apart from learning to design one will acquire and get better at crafting since we not only have to show our designs on paper but on models and prototypes as well. In other words, we are all the time sanding! Hahah We breathe all types of toxic gases. As one goes further into the career one will go fixing a tool box in which we can't miss our filtering mask, goggles, globes, etc. One has to be very organized to get a good night sleep. I thought this was a myth or belief during my firsts months at FADU, that that was only for the "lazy" students who didn't finish projects on time: WRONG haha even if you are the most organized student, to get good results one must work a LOT and the stipulated time is short so you end up sleeping less. Beyond that, the results are so gratifying that the nights without sleep, all the breathed toxic gases, the muscular pain of so much sanding and all the rest don't matter.
It is unlikely to finish this career in the time programed by the university (5 years), many finish on 6. It is a passionate career but very tiring. Apart from learning to design one will acquire and get better at crafting since we not only have to show our designs on paper but on models and prototypes as well. In other words, we are all the time sanding! Hahah We breathe all types of toxic gases. As one goes further into the career one will go fixing a tool box in which we can't miss our filtering mask, goggles, globes, etc. One has to be very organized to get a good night sleep. I thought this was a myth or belief during my firsts months at FADU, that that was only for the "lazy" students who didn't finish projects on time: WRONG haha even if you are the most organized student, to get good results one must work a LOT and the stipulated time is short so you end up sleeping less. Beyond that, the results are so gratifying that the nights without sleep, all the breathed toxic gases, the muscular pain of so much sanding and all the rest don't matter.

Nosotros tenemos pocos parciales o exámenes pero sí muchos días de entrega de trabajos prácticos. Los días de entrega son mis favoritos. Son muy estresantes los días anteriores pero todo ese estres se vá una vez que uno ve su proyecto sobre la mesa de la facultad junto a tantos otros proyectos de sus compañeros. Como mi cátedra de diseño dice "los dias de entrega son una fiesta". Tantas ideas y esfuerzo inspiran y dan ganas de continuar.
We have few exams but lots of works to turn in. Those days are my favorites. The days before those are very stressful but all that stress goes away when you see your project on the table next to so many other projects of your friends. As my design professors say "turning in days are a festivity". So many ideas and effort inspire and give strength to continue.
We have few exams but lots of works to turn in. Those days are my favorites. The days before those are very stressful but all that stress goes away when you see your project on the table next to so many other projects of your friends. As my design professors say "turning in days are a festivity". So many ideas and effort inspire and give strength to continue.

Esta carrera no es para cualquiera sinó para aquel que disfruta proyectar. No hay muchas horas de estudio pero si muchísimas horas de trabajo manual. Es recomendable aprender a dibujar y perfeccionar habilidades de modelado y manualidades. Tiene cierto grado de tecnicismo, no es una carrera artistica. Aparte de la creatividad se requiere poder abstraer y formular procesos quasi científicos para diseñar.
Saludos de una futura diseñadora y que tengan un dia espectacular!
This career is not for anybody but for those who enjoy protecting.
There is not much studying but yes lots of hours of manual work. It is good to learn to draw and get better at modeling and crafts. It has a certain degree of technisism, it is not an artistic career. Apart from creativity it is required to be able to abstract and make almost scientific process to design.
A future designer salutes you and have a spectacular day!
Saludos de una futura diseñadora y que tengan un dia espectacular!
This career is not for anybody but for those who enjoy protecting.
There is not much studying but yes lots of hours of manual work. It is good to learn to draw and get better at modeling and crafts. It has a certain degree of technisism, it is not an artistic career. Apart from creativity it is required to be able to abstract and make almost scientific process to design.
A future designer salutes you and have a spectacular day!
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8 comentarios:
Pia, tu articulo esta muy bueno. Me hiciste recordar mis viejos tiempos de estudiante :-) Como disfruta uno cuando esta haciendo algo que realmente te tiene loca... Mucha suerte! Tus trajabos estan super, las esculturas geniales. Me encantan!
Muchas gracias por tu aporte y participacion en el blog.
Lolo :-)
Hola Pía, Snif me volviste a la FADU!!! Yo me recibí de Diseñadora Gráfica en esa casa de estudios y... ay que tiempos aquellos!!!
Gracias por este lindo momento y mucha suerte futura diseñadora!!!
Pia! Yo también estudio Diseño Industrial en la FADU! es tal cual lo que decís, sobretodo lo de que por más que uno se organize todo el trabajo, siempre lleva más tiempo del estipulado, y por ende... menos horas de sueño!
quizás nos crucemos en Ciudad!
me voy a ver tu tienda...
A mi tambien me hiciste recordar mis tiempos de estudiante! Yo tambien soy Disenador Industrial y aunque estudie en Mexico y hace mucho mucho tiempo, lo que describes es tal cual lo vivi. Los dias de entrega eran maravillosos y emocionantes y los dias anteriores largas horas de trabajo!
Mucha suerte y felicidades! :)
Pia... de veras que recuerdo con gusto esa epoca, yo tambien fuì estudiante de Diseño Industrial en Mexico, y era tan padre el amanecer trabajando en tus modelos y planos. Un 95 te sabìa a gloria despues de los desvelos. Suerte y animo!!!...
Excelentes trabajos!!!
hay muchas cosas ahi que me agradaron!
Saludos ziazia
Que facinante carrera.
Que emocion cuando uno esta en la escuela y esos desvelos son tan bien gratificantes, porque cuando ves terminado lo que te propusiste, estas super contenta.
Mucha suerte y sigue asi!!
hola ....yo empiezo en diseño industrial . visita mi blog y saludos desde mexico.